We work closely with partners in the Monze District of Zambia where many children are orphans and poor with low educational attainment and poor nutrition.
to address these problems we have built and equipped 10 schools with books and educational equipment
To teach sustainable ways to combat climate change we establish school gardens.
To improve health we drill bore holes providing clean water.
To keep girls in school we teach menstrual hygiene and women’s legal rights.
To build on the work we have done with ZaWGF over the last 9 years.
To provide clean water and toilets and WASH training at all our schools, as this is fundamental if children in our schools are to stay healthy and be able to learn.
To provide human rights and women's rights training to our schools and communities so as many girls as possible will be in school, to reduce the alarming numbers of teenage pregnancies and early marriages.
To review the balance of money spent on the infrastructure of our schools compared to the spend on educational material and teacher training with the aim of raising the standard of education the children are receiving.
To provide more reading and reference books for children and to fund specialist visits to our schools to broaden the children’s horizons. Alongside this we plan to spend money on setting up extra-curricular activities after school with activities such as Red Cross training, IT, traditional dancing, choir, sport and arts and crafts taught in the traditional way by local skilled people.
To provide trained and unqualified teachers in our schools with better resources and training and to ensure IT training is given to teachers so they – and the children- can benefit from all that RaspberryPi can offer.
To use our schools out of hours for adult education and to put solar panels on school roofs enabling the school to have a light source in the evenings.
To better monitor the progress of children with a base line assessment starting as soon as a child begins school. With regular monitoring and testing we can evaluate the progress of individual children’s literacy and numeracy skills and identify where help is needed most. We are aware how disadvantaged children have been with schools closed due to the pandemic and we plan to put an effort into raising standards.
To continue in discussion with our partners how we can provide the best education we can for the children with the resources available.
To work with parents as partners, in valuing the education that FoM has enabled them to access, and by ensuring their daughters and sons attend school on a daily basis, we expect to raise standards.
To continue establishing school gardens to provide teachers, children and the community with training and experience in sustainable methods of growing a variety of food.
To work with our partners to carry out a 3 year “Trees for life and food” project to plant thousands of trees at schools and homesteads in the Monze District. Monze Correctional Facility will also take part in this project, inmates will take their skills back to their communities. We will provide initial training, ongoing monitoring and supervision, fences, water supply, tools and saplings. The aim of planting trees is to help reduce climate change.
To continue our shared child protection policy with ZaWGF to ensure children are safe in school.