Namateba School built 2022
We begun work here in this rural school, 25 miles east of Monze town and approachable only by a rough unmade road in 2022. The school is on the edge of the Zambian plateau and the land descends to the Kariba dam , children walk for up to 2 hours a day up and down hill to get to school each day. Namateba school educates 522 children aged 5-16 years, numbers have increased since education was made free for all children in Zambia. Namateba had 4 good classrooms and 3 classrooms where the roof kept blowing off due to termite damage.
The first thing that we did was to drill a bore hole, which allowed our builder Stanley Dinda to build 3 new classrooms with the help of 10 young people from Namateba who are training to be builders themselves. We also built 4 pit latrine toilets to improve health and sanitation. Our big concern is that the borehole has now dried up and the hand pump too heavy to draw much water. The school would benefit from its own garden to grow food for the children and for the community to learn sustainable gardening skills. We are looking at ways to get water out of the ground for this to happen.