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Mungolo School 2020

Mungolo school is so remote that when the Department of Education asked us to build a school there, our partners Zambia Women and Girls Foundation could not even find it the first time they tried to visit.

We knew it would be difficult to build here as the area is reached by crossing a steep sided river bed, challenging when it is dry and impossible in the rainy season.

The communities's only source of water during the dry season was a deep hole in the ground which gave a little green smelly water. Our partners immediately asked us to drill not one but 2 bore holes for the community to have a good supply of clean drinking water, to be able to wash and to build the new school. 

We used interlocking compressed bricks which, unlike ordinary bricks, do not have to be fired so precious trees were not felled to build this school and teacher's houses. 

Stanley and his team of builers knew how important the school would be to this remote community and worked hard to overcome all obstacles and build the classrooms.

The school was completed in October 2020. Building was paused for the rainy season then in 2021 we completed building 2 houses for the Government to deploy the first qualified teachers  for the 187 children at Mungolo.

We also constructed 4 pit latrine toilets. 

We provided gardening training, a fence and fruit trees and a solar powered pump to increase the water supply. 

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