Luumba Moonya School building 2021
Luumba Moonya Community School is in a rural area , it was started by the community in 2006. The school requested help from our partners.
This school has 5 qualified Government paid teachers however no accommodation for the teachers. The community had started building a house but did not have the money to put a roof on. We were able to put a roof on the house and a teacher moved in immediately, this improves security on the site.
The community had also built 2 classrooms which they were able to complete, thanks to a generous donor Friends of Monze was able to complete the building providing 2 nice classrooms. This is our tenth school building.
The community had also dug the foundations and prepared "up front materials" that is sand, crushed stones and bricks for 3 more classrooms. Our partners recommended we help such a hard working self-help community and complete the 3 classrooms.
We trained local youths as builders while we built Mwiinga Malimvwa school in 2018, these young men and women have gone on to gain employment in the building industry. We are please to say we are now training 10 young people from Lumba Moonya community to be builders. They had 2 weeks initial theory training, now they are learning practical skills and they will have more theory training and an exam. Look out for their new yellow hats in the photos!
The community have asked for human rights training so we will be raising funds to improve justice especially for women and girls.